Contact Anthropolis
Anthropolis is currently seeking collaboration with all working to recalibrate society and industry to a sustainable model. This includes, but is not limited to, those in the fields of anthropology, biomimicry, city planning, film/media, journalists, etc. We invite all to the AnthroBlog to learn more and contribute to the conversation. We look forward to hearing from you and working together towards a sustainable future.
It takes a village...
A new worlds fair based on the principles of the Paris Climate Agreement.
Village design through anthropological population studies.
Biomimetic environmental design for function and aesthetics.
Promotion and incentive for the “staycation.”
Third places and libraries, (shared resources).
Communities without tourism and vacation rentals.
Carless communities.
Alternative travel options between towns.
Reestablishing adventure and connection with nature.
Removal of fences, roads, dams, etc. (where possible)